The beginning of the 20th century concert hall of Avenue Montaigne, le theâtre des champs élysées, hosts the pianist Alexandre Tharaud performing the piano works of Ravel. Obiously a very popular event as the concert was sold out.
For this concert, there had been added two short breaks, making it four parts in total. Many of the works played before the entracte were from Ravel's youth, some which are not often performed. The most known pieces were saved for after the break, like miroirs and gaspard de la nuit.
Alxandre Tharaud played all pieces with impeccable technique and precision. That's highly appreciated when playing impressionist pieces. As there are many notes played very quickly, it can easily turn into a soup of harmonies and sounds. Also, he managed to bring out and convey very well the feeling and imaginary of each song. Upon exiting the theatre I even heard a couple of people praising him for this particular feat, it's not just Ravel perfctly played, but Ravel with passion and feeling.
The highlights were without doubt all of the pieces of the second part, espcially Pavane pour une infante defunte and Miroirs. From the first part I specially enjoyed the menuet sur le nom de Haydn and the waltz'.
Allthough it's interesting to hear the whole works of an artist all at once, the only negative about this evening would be the length of the first part which lasted for about one and a half hour. The second half was much more concentrated and intense, also because of the nature of the pieces played. It also got very hot and I must've seemed like I had quite a workout when I left. Despite this, no one could get enough of this pianist and he returned the overwhelming applause with a highly ornamented baroque encore (whose exact name I've yet to find), rounding off the evening perfectly.
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