lundi 15 juin 2009

Dreaful dead or simply sleeping?

One of the necessary evils in Paris is using the subway system. With its odors, labyrinthic organisation, heat and overcrowdedness, it's impossible getting used to, one simply have to withstand it. Going by car is not any better because of the frequent traffic jams, which also affects the buses, leaving the subway as the most efficient mean of getting around in the city.

However, some things are more scary than others. For example the mice and drunks. Drunks usual do no harm except for their smell, the rodents usually flee right away whitout doing anything but cause a creepy surprise. In fact, one of the scariest things in the metro is when someone looking sane and normal is stretched out seemingly sleeping. I stress "seemingly", because that's the part that can turn out to be very unpleasant. Unless the person is snoring or otherwise making noises, it's very hard to tell if he or she is dead or alive.
Because, let's face it, no one in their right mind would lie down in a place like a parisian subway station. Most people try to avoid touching anyone or anything passing through. So, I've come to the conclusion that in many cases these people must be either extremely exhausted, drunk ot very ill, at least two of which would be a good enough reason to call for help.
Still, most people pass by without taking notice, me included. Some may sincerely not notice these people when in a hurry, while others are too used to seeing anything and everything to react, again others, like me, are just really afriad one day they'll fall upon someone unfortunate enough to have met their creator in the parisian subway system.
But, then again, if more people bothered to give them a little push now and then just to see if they react, surely there would be less reason to fear the above scenario.
(NB, the one pictured above was snoring jollily, so no worries in this particular case ;) )

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